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The ScalableMine project aims to create benchmarks for systematically evaluating different designs of process mining algorithms and their corresponding software architectures. Process mining algorithms, such as process discovery or conformance checking, frequently operate on data streams characterized by varying volumes and speeds. Ensuring the scalability of the process mining software is crucial to efficiently process these data streams. Scalability refers to the system's capability to handle increased loads by incorporating additional hardware resources. The benchmarks developed within ScalableMine will enable comparative analyses of various algorithms and their implementations within a software system. This approach allows for quantifying and optimizing existing algorithms with respect to scalability, thereby enhancing their performance under varying event stream conditions.
Project Team
Bild 2
Principal Investigator:
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm (Willi) Hasselbring
Bild 1
Research Staff:
Hendrik Reiter

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Christian Imenkamp

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