Process mining, driven by the assumption of structured and sequential processes, faces challenges in centralized settings, leading to complex and limited visual representations. The distributed setting will impose even stronger challenges in this regard and will increase problems with representational bias. The overall observation of SOURCED is that these challenges relate at least to infrastructure-awareness, data-awareness, and user-awareness. Regarding the latter, we specifically observe novel challenges related to effective visual representations due to the sheer size and hierarchical granularity of the event log data being produced. The distributed setting also bears the chance to describe causal relationships more explicitly since these are related to observable interactions between separate devices. The key research problem in this context is how can process mining on distributed event sources appropriately developed such that the respective visual representations meet the information needs of the tasks of the process analyst as a user. With VisualMine, we contribute to the seminal work on process mining by designing and evaluating representations, algorithms, and techniques for process mining on distributed event sources.